Saturday, September 6, 2008

DICK COLE: Dinos and Homos and Drugs, Oh my!

Now I've got a Dick Cole: Wonder Boy story for you!! It's fun.
I first came across this one on the Lady, That's my Skull blog. And purely by chance a few months later I found the entire story on the Golden Age Comics Downloads site. For whatever reason, I never got around to posting it on my other blog, so now you get some "new" content over here! Yay!
I left out three pages that weren't part of the story, they were just a break to talk about Farr academy, and the story was already long enough! So I left them out.
This is definitely a strange one. Come back tomorrow for my full bonus DVD-like commentary.
Now on with the show:
4 MOST vol 1 #1 (Winter 1942)
written by Bob Davis?; art by Bob Davis

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