The Story, The Drama, The Strife...
Earlier this year I was thinking it would be cool to have a calendar of Golden Age heroes. I figured with all the print-on-demand options out there, I'd give it a shot.
I decided to go with Zazzle since I could design the entire page, as opposed to CafePress where they put on any calendar they feel like. I'm just too much of a control junkie! [Although I won't make that mistake again...]
So I finally had it all together and up on Zazzle in May and placed me an order. I got the confirmation email...I couldn't wait to see what it looked like! A bit later I got a second email that said:
We are sorry, but we are unable to process your order 131-39775797-2721874 due to a conflict with one or more of our acceptable content guidelines.
Your entire order has been cancelled; all of the items in your order will not be shipped.
For these reasons, we were unable to process your original order:
Title: Amazing Golden Age Heroes 2011 Calendar
Product Link: 158648999484715845
Result: Not Approved
Content Issues:
--- Design contains an image or text that is copyrighted.
I sent them an email explaining that the images involved were public domain, and that they had other sellers on Zazzle that were also selling public domain images. The response I got was:
Thank you for reporting a suspected marketplace violation. It's Zazzlers like you that uphold our community ideals to provide a great venue for creativity and originality.
Your submission will be reviewed by our Content Management Team. If we determine that the product is in violation of our policies, it will be removed from the marketplace.
I emailed them back letting them know that
first: I hadn't reported any violations because there weren't any, and
second: what needed to be done to resolve this "issue."
I never received a response.
I just let it go and pretty much forgot about it.
For some reason in September I remembered it again, and since I'd never heard from them, I assumed maybe they had their
crack legal team research the term "public domain" and it was all better now. I sent in an order.
And received the same cancellation notice.
This time I asked them specifically what in my calendar was the problem. I actually got a response!:
In this instance, your order contained products with copyright-protected content related to Marvel UK, which cannot be printed without written permission from the rights holder or licensor.
I was like "Marvel UK?" So I emailed them again, again asking for specifics. And, of course, never heard back.
Well, the calendar has never been taken off the marketplace.
Why? I have no idea. What I do know is: last week I received an email from Zazzle saying:
You recently sold 1 copy of your product, Amazing Golden Age Heroes 2011 Calendar.
So now I'm all like
WTF? I dunno. Apparently
I'm the only one to whom they won't sell
my calendar. Never seen it. Have no idea of the quality. But if anyone is interested and wants to take the crap shoot that is Zazzle. Give it a go:
If it works out for you, let me know!!